Newfoundland processor accused of shipping fish to China

Charges threatened four months ago were finally levied against Fishery Products International, Ltd. under Newfoundland’s provincial Fish Inspection Act — two counts of illegally marketing and shipping unprocessed yellowtail flounder to China. Provincial Fisheries Minister Tom Rideout accused Atlantic Canada’s largest seafood company of violating Newfoundland’s laws in March, saying FPI was “breaking the laws

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To the editor: I was appalled by the information in Wanda Curtis’s article, “Coastal hospitality businesses respond to high gas prices” [WWF July 06]. It seems that the innkeepers in Rockland have banded together to offer a cut-rate package to those vacationers who would “Drive Mean to Save Green” on their lodging fees. She quotes

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Lobsters and Consistency

Whole Foods Market appears to have caught itself in the pincers of its own political correctness. What may have started off as an effort to respond to the demands of animal-rights activists and natural foods consumers concerned about suffering lobsters has ended up with Maine’s lobster producers being squeezed out of a national grocery store

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Offshore lobstermen organize, propose changes

Believing “Maine fishermen need options,” lobstermen who fish part of the year outside the state’s three-mile limit have traveled to Washington, D.C., and Augusta to make the organization’s goals known to the state’s Congressional delegation and state fisheries managers. Officers of the Maine Offshore Lobstermen’s Association (MOLA) say they want to effect several changes in

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