Raye introduces Boat School funding bill

As part of the ongoing effort to keep the Eastport Boat School alive and in Eastport, state Sen. Kevin Raye (R-Perry) has introduced Legislative Document 1948, “An Act to Save the Marine Trade Center [MTC] and Strengthen Maine’s Boatbuilding Workforce.” The bill would make available $433,877 in annual appropriations in fiscal 2007 to fund the

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Nelson’s Trafalgar

Hardback, Viking Adult, 2005 392 pages, $27.95 The Battle of Trafalgar was fought two hundred years ago, on October 21, 1805, and has long been considered one of the pivotal naval battles in world history. This puts it in the select company of the Battle of Salamis (594 BC), the defeat of the Spanish Armada

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Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy

Clarion Books, 2004 Hardback, $15; paperback $6.50 224 pages Tragedy and Light Humiliation, shame and friendlessness mark Turner Buckminster III’s first day in the coastal Maine town of Phippsburg in 1911. And then life gets worse for this 13-year-old boy whose father has uprooted the family from Boston to become the First Congregational Church’s new

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Grant will help Vinalhaven School implement place-base education

A three-year grant to the Island Institute and Vinalhaven School from the Antioch New England Institute in Keene, New Hampshire, is enabling the Vinalhaven School to implement an innovative three-year education program. The program, called CO-SEED (Communities and Schools for Environmental Education), uses the island’s community and environment to teach a wide variety of subjects

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