Scene from Childhood

To the editor: I happened to be sitting at the table one morning and my fiancé was looking through the WW. He asked if I recognized the people in your Dec. 2005/Jan. 2006 edition on page 22. I glanced at the picture and saw a scene from my childhood flash before my eyes. There stood

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Second Chandlery

To the editor: I had the opportunity to read a recent piece in your paper regarding the working waterfront, which contained information about my competitor, Brown Ship Chandlery. I wanted you to know that there is a second ship chandlery in Portland, which is our company, A.L. Griffin, Inc. We have just celebrated our 50th

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Coorespondents Wanted

To the editor: I would like to correspond…with any ladies on the islands. I think an exchange of sharing would be very interesting and rewarding. I am married, have grown children, love animals, like music – like reading true stories, some fiction, live on Munjoy Hill, own my home, love the winter birds and feed

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Saint John may evict fishing boats

Security concerns in the Port of Saint John, New Brunswick, have resulted in the eviction of the port’s fishing boat fleet — an eviction that has been delayed for the time being. Capt. John McCann, Saint John Harbor Master/Port Security Officer, said the lobster boat berths put the port out of security compliance by Transport

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