Down on the farm Downeast

ROBBINSTON — Jennifer Yando and Scott Graeber of Tenth Village Farm work with purpose to create a life that reflects their shared commitment to sustainability. They aim to stay small, maintain diversity and set prices for the local market. Yando, once a vegetarian, began eating meat once she raised it and was able to butcher

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Woman plans solo kayak trip to Guatemala

TROY — When 63-year old Deb Walters visited Guatemala nine years ago, the living conditions she saw were permanently etched in her mind. Unlike some who walk away unaffected, Walters felt compelled to help.   “I visited the Guatemala City garbage dump,” she remembered. “I smelled the methane and the rotten garbage. I felt the choking dust

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Vintage Casco Bay postcards being sold

A reader sent The Working Waterfront digital images of vintage Casco Bay postcards, featuring scenes on the islands. Most of the postcards posted here show Long Island. The reader is selling these and other postcards on the online auction site E-Bay. The Working Waterfront has no interest in the sale, but we thought readers would enjoy

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