A Bond Issue for Working Waterfronts

This summer the Maine Legislature approved a $12 million bond package for The Land for Maine’s Future (LMF) program. Of that amount, $2 million is fixed specifically for keeping working waterfront lands in private ownership. “There was a strong bipartisan desire to do something in this area,” commented David Etnier, Maine’s Deputy Commissioner of Marine

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Institute transfers six islands

The Island Institute, Maine Coast Heritage Trust (MCHT), and Chewonki Foundation signed purchase and sale agreements on Aug. 11 to transfer the ownership of six coastal Maine islands from the Institute to the two other organizations. The islands — Hungry and Black in Muscongus Bay, Campbell Island off Deer Isle, Russ Island off Stonington, Crow

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Low-tech lobster conservation

“In the ocean, the survival rate of lobsters is less than one out of one thousand,” said David Mills, whose lobster hatchery is part of his Mount Desert Oceanarium. “We’ve had some years of 15 to 20 percent survival.” That’s an achievement, but the story of Mills’s success started with years of failure as he

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Assessment Freeze

To the editor: Like most seacoast residents I am concerned about real estate tax increases caused by skyrocketing property values. Property tax increases are the principal reason long-term residents, particularly those working the waterfront and on fixed incomes, are being forced to sell their property. One answer is to freeze all property tax assessments on

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