About three thousand pounds of pork is busily rooting through the rocky soil of our island, if you figure on 20 pigs dressing out at about 150 pounds each, plus or minus. Two of those pigs are in our backyard, turning up the patch of ground where we plan to set out raspberries next year.
Twilight in the Desert
Wishful Thinking and the Price of Oil The relevance to Maine of Twilight in the Desert by Matt Simmons is not just that its stunning conclusions first leapt to the author’s mind on the porch of his Rockport home overlooking Penobscot Bay, but that as residents of a chilly northern state utterly dependent on oil,
Long Island celebrates library completion
Long Island celebrated the completion of its new Library and Learning Center on July 16. The event recognized and celebrated the time, effort and funding given by islanders and friends as the Long Island community realized a dream years in the making. Frank Oliva, architect, and Nancy Jordan, chairperson of the Library/School Expansion Committee, cut
Thanks for the Support!
To the editor: We are writing this letter to thank all the folks who stepped up to encourage and support the launch of Penobscot Island Air. We are happy to say that we are servicing the islands of Matinicus, Vinalhaven, North Haven, Criehaven, Islesboro, Stonington and Swan’s as well as other coastal and island destinations.
Parallel 44 – Before Quoddy LNG, there was Quoddy Tidal
As if the debate over Liquefied Natural Gas terminals wasn’t hot enough already, now there are plans for not one, but two competing LNG terminals on Passamaquoddy and Cobscook Bays. Theoretically, at least, the Eastport region could become home to duplicate terminals, the nation’s first underwater LNG pipeline and two rival tank farms located within
Matinicus kids build a boat, revive a tradition
On July 1 in drizzle and fog, 25 people congre-gated around the ferry wharf and nearby shoreline on Matinicus Island to watch and celebrate the launching of an eleven-and-a-half foot skiff. That morning, the skiff had been carried out of the Matinicus powerhouse, the only place warm enough to dry the paint in the drippy
Rebuilt island pier reserved for local fisherman
A granite pier in Damariscove Island’s narrow, sheltered harbor has been rebuilt by the Boothbay Region Land Trust. The pier, at least 150 years old, was showing its age – eroding and collapsing – a part of it submerged at high water. Now, with a $132,000 investment by the land trust, it has been restored
Scholarship Recipients Announced
Recently the Island Institute awarded over $38,000 to 51 island residents attending post-secondary institutions through the Maine Island Higher Education Scholarship. Awards ranged from $100 to $2,500. This scholarship is available to residents of unbridged islands who are attending post-secondary education at a two- or four-year college, university, or vocational/technical institution. Award decisions were made
Cranberry Report: In the Mood
The first day of summer came to the islands with warm bright weather. As the Islesford Dock Restaurant opened for their 13th season, people arrived by boat, bicycle and on foot to try out the new menu. Steve Samson, the new head chef, shows an Italian influence with some of his dishes. The Ligurian Ciuppin,
Vinalhaven’s Fog Gallery: a place for artists
When Vinalhaven’s Fog Gallery opened at the Harbor Wharf in the summer of 1988 it was the first art gallery on Vinalhaven. Since then the gallery has experienced a true evolution and become a mainstay of the island’s art culture. The Fog is a seasonal gallery, operating from June until September each year. The Gallery