Selfish Ends

To the editor: Re: the articles in your June issue about the Newfoundland crab fishermen’s demonstrations, occupations of government offices, blockades, and whatnot (“Canadian Crab Protests Escalate to a `Fishermen’s Arrest’ ” and “Crab Fishermen Vote to End Strike”). I wish you’d be a little more balanced in your coverage of the Atlantic Canada commercial

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Wrong Town?

To the editor: I would like to make a comment about the article that appeared in the May 2005 issue written by Harry Gratwick about the submarines in the bay. He stated that the spies were landed at Winter Harbor. This statement is not correct. Gimpal and his partner were landed at Hancock Point and

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In aftermath of scandal, NOAA gets a new research vessel

As a result of Trawlgate, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), parent agency to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), sought appropriations for increased spending on fisheries science. “There’s more money going to stock assessment data and Congress has funded four new research vessels,” said Dr. Steven Murawski, newly appointed senior science advisor and

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Guns to Butter; Park Service program promotes science and learning, assists towns hurt by base closings

The Park Service formed Acadia Partners for Science and Learning, an independent 501(c)(3). The board of directors hired Dennis O’Brien as its executive director to work with the National Park Service to manage the facility, called Schoodic Education and Research Center (SERC). The center is one of 13 such centers funded by Congress. O’Brien said,

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