Maine Lighthouses: Documentation of Their Past

Cypress Communications 219 pages A tradition of excellence, upheld The team of J. Candace Clifford and her mother, Mary Louise Clifford, has contributed a third volume to their outstanding efforts to capture the history of our nation’s lighthouses. Their first two books, Women Who Kept the Lights: An Illustrated History of Female Lighthouse Keepers (1993)

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The New Conquistadores

You can almost hear the gush as you read online descriptions about the Riviera Maya, a 130-kilometer strip of Mexico’s Caribbean coast between Cancun in the north and Tulum in the south, including Playa del Carmen and its access to the island of Cozumel. It is “Mexico’s hottest investment property,” seeing “explosive growth,” and is

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VP Finance and Administration

The Island Institute, a nonprofit organization located in Rockland, ME, has an immediate opening for a talented and experienced VP of Finance & Administration to oversee all aspects of the Institute’s finance, Human Resources, retail sales, MIS & technology, and building operations functions. These include but are not limited to supervising the day-to-day activities of the

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The Amazing Island Book Store

(Sent to author Harry Gratwick in response to “Words, Recycled” [WWF March 05]; printed here with permission) Dear Harry: How many people leave home as an unknown and return to find they are “golden?” Thank you so much! The article has been so well received and generated many lovely compliments. Two personal libraries have been

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Assumptions and Omissions

To the editor: I invariably find Working Waterfront an interesting read. However, although your writers are no doubt familiar with the variety of industrial/marine terms used in your stores and reasonably assume that their readers are as well informed as they, I’m afraid that is not necessarily the case. Of course you know your market

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Missed Credit

To the editor: Harry Gratwick wrote a piece for the March Working Waterfront on Second-Hand Prose. My picture of the bookstore, which was published with the story, was incorrectly attributed to him. I contacted Harry, he was very nice, and said he had notified WWF and that it would be corrected. However, I do not

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