Charlie Oldham

Charlie Oldham, who has been responsible for the design and production of Working Waterfront since the mid-1990s, underwent a liver transplant at New England Medical Center in Boston in early April. Due to complications he remains in very serious condition at the hospital. Readers who wish to help the Oldham family defray its high expenses

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CORWITH CRAMER rescues Haitians at sea

When the CORWITH CRAMER rescued 49 desperate Haitians last month from a dismasted open boat in the Caribbean, the rescuers got a lot of press. The 134-foot brigantine, operated by Sea Education Association of Woods Hole, sighted the overloaded wooden vessel March 9, 45 miles north of Jamaica, the island where the fleeing Haitians hoped

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Thin Ice

Today is the first day of Spring. It is glorious and the whole town is out walking. You cannot help but lean into the warmth of the sun. Every time I try to head into the house, I find myself heading right back outside again. Over the course of the day I have felt the

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Away Happens

University Press of New England 138 pp. Softbound. $14.95 An Eye for the Details of Life Phil Crossman is the Dave Barry of the Maine islands — well, at least of the lobstering community of Vinalhaven, where he has lived since childhood (not long enough to be considered from “Here,” as he explains in the

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The Art of Monhegan Island

Down East Books $40.00 Accessible Look at Monhegan’s Art Art books often intimidate people who have not already committed years to roaming the world’s finest art museums, absorbing hour upon hour of docent lectures. They can feel like unwanted homework, leaving you feeling like an uncomfortable guest caught in the crossfire of pretentious cocktail-party conversation.

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The Carina Residency

The remarkable light (artists are always talking about light) continues to inspire generation after generation of American artists, but it has become increasingly difficult for artists to find affordable housing for extended visits on Monhegan. The Carina Residency offers Maine artists use of a cottage and studio every summer. For the past years, this program,

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