In the Hopper

The following bills with implications for the preservation of Maine’s working waterfronts are under consideration by the Maine Legislature: * Working Waterfront Access Bond: Reps. Leila Percy and John Piotti co-sponsored L.D. 299, a bond that would provide $15 million to working waterfront communities and $15 million to farming communities to invest in their future

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Buyer Beware

The Fish List ( is a website provided by Environmental Defense, Blue Ocean and the Monterrey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch program. The website claims to offer consumers “a fast, easy-to-use tool that helps you make the best possible seafood choices.” Each participating organization has its own online version of consumer seafood information. Since shoppers don’t

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Information on Access

To the editor: Letters in your last two issues of Working Waterfront raised some questions regarding the laws governing coastal access in Maine. Your readers might be interested in a recently revised publication supported by Maine Sea Grant entitled “Public Shoreline Access in Maine — A Citizen’s Guide to Ocean and Coastal Law,” which can

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