Islesboro student raises funds for trip

Cameron Leach, a freshman at Islesboro Central School, has been accepted into the People to People Student Ambassador program, which promotes understanding of other cultures while building leadership qualities among high school students. Leach is raising the money necessary to travel with 40 other Maine students to Europe. Cities they’ll visit during their 20-day tour

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Scholarship Season

The Island Institute offers three types of scholarships including a new Island Partners Scholarship, the Traditional Island Institute Scholarship and the non-traditional student McLane Scholarship. Thanks to the support of private donors and memberships, the Institute is able to offer a variety of scholarships to residents of Maine’s 14 unbridged islands. The new Island Partners

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Tagging Facts

The information gathered is not intended to estimate stock abundance, but it will provide knowledge about how cod stocks move, mix and grow. The higher the number of tags reported, the more representative and accurate the data. Certain biological data collected through this Program (e.g. growth information) can supplement the data used in current cod

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