Ocean Cuisine

Ocean Cuisine is a new name for the U.S. division of Fishery Products International, Ltd., headquartered in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Along with the new name, Ocean Cuisine has a new approach to its expansive line of value-added seafood products called “culinology.” It’s a three-stage process for creating a new product: culinary development, technical research and

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Trap Wars

When Maine set out to limit lobster traps in the mid-1990s, it imposed a cap on the number of traps an individual fisherman could set. But it didn’t freeze overall effort at a particular level, and as local zone councils set limits the result was more, not fewer, traps in the water. As we report

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Taxes and Conservation

The tax-writers are at it again in Washington, and one of the many oxen up for goring this season is the land trust community. A recent “alert” from Maine Coast Heritage Trust informs us of a proposal to “drastically cut back tax benefits for donations of conservation land and easements.” Just how the cuts would

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Ship “:Allisions”

When a tug towing a barge grazed a bumper and a large salt ship crunched into another tug and barge near the Casco Bay Bridge this winter, no one seemed to take much notice. The Coast Guard dutifully interviewed everyone involved in both incidents and filed reports, but little more was said publicly. And as

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The New England Clam Shack Cookbook

North Adams, Massachussets: Storey Publishing, 2003 A particular culture and cuisine, out of season Here’s a prescription for sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder, that problem during dark days of the year when depression creeps up on people. Read a book that seems steeped in sunlight, where every page makes you picture summer: long hot bright

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