Journalism Matters

Gardiner: Tilbury House, Publishers 376 pp., $20.00 Summing Up A memoir is a summing-up, an opportunity to get those things off your chest that you’ve always wanted to say, to set the record straight and, finally, to tell your own story. When Peter Cox retired from Maine Times in 1986, he told everyone he wanted

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Islesboro project seeks administrator

The Beacon Project of Islesboro is looking for an energetic and organized person to fill the challenging position of administrator of Boardman Cottage. As construction of the building moves along toward a spring completion goal, we estimate that the administrator will have to begin work in March 2005 in order to have our operating license

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The Long View : Frequent Fliers

A month and a half ago, on Dec. 13, 2004, the new owner of Maine Atlantic Aviation, Roland Lussier, called his chief pilot, Kevin Waters, into his office and announced that the company had surrendered its air carrier certificate and cancelled all further island flight service. Then Lussier abruptly fired Waters, citing the mounting financial

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North Haven’s Little Problem

A year ago, when Telford Air was actively looking to sell Maine Atlantic Aviation to an interested buyer, one of the problems in negotiations was the North Haven business — or lack of it. No one had figured out a way to lengthen the privately owned Witherspoon airstrip by 200 feet so planes could land

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St. George GIS project supports working waterfront

Traditionally, Maine coastal communities have relied heavily on marine-related industries supported from their working waterfronts. But working waterfronts are increasingly in danger of disappearing, as pressures from outside developers increase. Coastal communities are now searching for ways to manage this pressure so that marine-related industries can continue to thrive. Towns recognize the need for action,

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Merrill Marine sells its Portland terminal

Sprague Energy Corporation will purchase Merrill Marine Terminal Services, Inc., on Portland’s waterfront. Located on the Fore River inside the Casco Bay Bridge, Merrill Marine Terminal has been a vital part of the working waterfront for 25 years. P.D. (Paul) Merrill, president, said that he had been in conversation with Sprague over the years, but

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