Shipboard wedding

An active month of December passed quickly in the Cranberry Isles. The annual Christmas Fair, sponsored by the Great Cranberry Island Ladies Aid Society, raised a total of $2,200 through sales of crafts, baked goods, raffles and a delicious luncheon. On Islesford, family and friends either pledged to bake or purchased from the first-ever Islesford

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Apocalypse Soon: A Mainer Watches the Twilight of Ireland’s Inshore Fisheries

“Hello, are you Sean?” “Yes.” “Are you Sean the lobsterman?” “No.” “Do you know a ‘Sean the lobsterman?’” “Yes. I know Séanie Johnson.” “No, I am looking for Sean O’Connor.” “I’m Séan O’Connor.” “Were you Sean the lobsterman?” “Yes. I quit, though.” So went my introductory conversation with an Irish lobsterman, Sean O’Connor, who had

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There is a sense of movement out there. The legislature is debating tax fixes; the planes are flying to small islands again; Eastport’s boat school plans to re-open; the shrimp season is underway with good prospects for the export market; Vinalhaven is exploring energy alternatives and the SCOTIA PRINCE, despite uncertainty and looming competition, is

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Adverse Possession?

To the editor: Having accessed the beautiful Martinsville Beach [WWF Dec.-Jan. 04-05] each summer when I vacationed in Tenants Harbor, I was very surprised three years ago when I attempted to drive to the Beach with my guests to show them how lovely it was. The electric fence described in your article was in place

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Will of the People

To the editor: [Re: vote totals, WWF Dec-Jan 04-5] For the record … Bush beat Kerry on Swan’s Island 149 – 113. Dexter Lee Swan’s Island Seth Joy of Swan’s Island called as well, noting the same error. We transposed two vote totals appearing in the Bangor Daily News. – ed

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