A Few Corrections

To the editor: I read with great interest the story, “The Newfoundland-New England fisheries connection is strong and growing” by Nancy Griffin in the December/January Working Waterfront. Thank you for including the connections between Memorial University and the Northeast Consortium in the article, but there are a few corrections worth noting. The correct spelling of

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Degree of Contamination

To the editor: As it has been illegal for some time to pump heads within the three mile limit, is the effort reported in Bob Moore’s recent article [WWF Dec-Jan 04-05] intended to reduce or eliminate the illegal discharges? It would indeed be helpful for the public to know the specific details of the degree

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Wrong Runner

To the editor: I’ve got a correction to Barb Fernald’s Cranberry Report of November, 2004. It was my sister, Joan Westphal, who ran against Joan Benoit, back in the ’70s, not me. (I was a half-miler.) The two Joans ran against each other in the mile run at the Maine State Track and Field Meet,

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Rough seas for the Scotia Prince

As the airlines have become increasingly uncomfortable, unpleasant, and unreliable, I’ve been finding the SCOTIA PRINCE an increasingly soothing presence. Every night during the clement half of our year, she pulls out of Portland harbor, bedecked in lights, on her purposeful mission to deliver passengers and cargo to foreign lands across the waters. It reminds

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Seaborne vet serves Casco Bay islands

Passengers boarding the Peaks Island Ferry couldn’t help but notice the little drama taking place on the nearby dock. The frightened terrier with the wild hair squirms in his owner’s arms as the green-smocked man inserts his otoscope into the dog’s ear for a closer look. The dock, gently rocking under the influence of the

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