Around Cape Horn

Around Cape Horn By Charles G. Davis Edited by Captain Neal Parker Camden, Maine: Down East Books, $15 Captain Annabel By Neal Evan Parker Illustrated by Emily Harris Camden, Maine: Down East Books, $16 The hard knocks school of seafaring If you ever get the kind of sea fever that makes you want to sign

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Hunger and Thirst

St. Martin’s Press, $23.95 Messing Things Up, as Only Families Can With all the good books out there waiting to be read, why would somebody from Maine want to read a book about a Jewish family in 1950s Chicago? Because Daniela Kuper’s Hunger and Thirst is about a lot more than just the Trout family,

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Maine Islands Coalition Convenes

The Maine Islands Coalition, formed last March to advocate for Maine’s 15 year-round island communities, convened for the fourth time on Friday, Nov. 12 in Rockland. Island representatives from Cliff, Great Diamond, Little Diamond, Islesboro, North Haven, Vinalhaven, Town of Long Island, Cranberry Isles and Frenchboro attended the meeting, with others from Chebeague and Peaks

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Teacher Exchange – Islesboro family leaves a Maine winter for an African summer

Thanks to the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program, on Jan. 10 Islesboro Central School math teacher Tom Tutor and family will embark on a grand adventure, flying to South Africa where Tom will undertake a year-long assignment teaching mathematics to students whose customary teacher will be, meanwhile, teaching Tom’s Islesboro students. The Fulbright international educational exchange

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