The Simple Truth

“LX” I’ve been struggling with a simple truth visited on me in early October. I’ve known for decades that it was coming and when it was coming and, for eight weeks or so I have been dimly aware that, as expected, it did come. Still, it came much sooner than anticipated. My simple truth is

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Watch That Bamboo!

To the editor: Thanks to you, Randy Purinton, and Rick Dyer for the informative article on Monhegan’s Japanese barberry infestation [WWF Nov. 04]. Unfortunately, the barberry is not the only problem — for other interested readers, Maine’s Dept. of Conservation is starting to address the issue with the public. Their website [see] outlines their

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Fine Spotter Pilot

To the editor: … We loved the article on Leon Minzy [WWF Nov. 04]. He was a longtime spotter pilot for me for many years when I traveled along the coast stop-seining herring (in the good old days when small sardines came ashore nearly every summer, which they haven’t done in recent years). Minzy was,

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Form and Function

Visitors to the Vikingship Museum in Oslo, Norway, wonder why there is a notch extending from the holes that were used as oarlocks on Viking longboats. The notch allowed the blade of the oar to pass through the hull from inside the boat. If the Vikings had not cut the notch, they would have had

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“Bucket and Chuckit” No Longer – Casco Bay could become no-discharge zone

Casco Bay may soon become Maine’s first federally designated “No Discharge Zone.” In the interest of the environment and human health, federal, state, and local governments and the nonprofit Friends of Casco Bay have formed a partnership to declare the practice of discharging boat sewage into the Bay obsolete. The federal “No Discharge Zone” designation

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