Support grows for working waterfronts

Eight out of ten Mainers support the creation of a public investment program that would preserve critical access points, piers and wharves in Maine’s Working Waterfront communities. Maine’s Working Waterfront Coalition submitted questions to the Maine Survey, conducted annually by Maine based Market Decisions, to continue a line of questioning begun last year to gauge

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Island voting: small numbers, diverse views

Islanders reflected Maine’s voting pattern as a whole on Election day, favoring John Kerry and the two incumbent congressmen but turning down the Palesky tax cap and the proposal to ban bear-baiting. The bear-baiting referendum passed in five island voting precincts, failed in seven and tied in one. President George W. Bush scored his sole

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The “Live Anywhere” Boat

Probably the majority of people who go cruising like it for the escape. Their time at sea is free from the obligations and commitments of everyday life. For Michael and Barbara Porter of Chebeague Island, work and everyday life are intertwined, so a sea passage means less of an escape than a journey with a

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Where the “Fish” are Gone

Upper Access, Inc., Book Publishers, 2004 242 pages US $24.95/Canada $33.95 Where the “Fish” are Gone Myron Arms has sailed the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador at least nine times, researching other books and training new sailors in the art of ocean voyaging in northern waters. Shocked by the changes in he observed during this

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Are the codfish coming back?

Maine lobstermen have been seeing many more codfish in their traps, and some fishermen out of Portland have reported finding so many cod that they can’t stay away from them when fishing. Yet the federal government describes this stock of fish as depleted and overfished, and we have seen declining landings in some recent years,

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Changing Maine, 1960-2010

Edited and with an Introduction by Richard E. Barringer, Illustrated by Jon Luoma Gardiner and Portland: Tilbury House, Publishers, and the Muskie School of Public Service, 2004 $20.00 Maine, Then and Now As a onetime editor of Maine Times I can claim a minority interest in this fascinating book: editor Dick Barringer dedicates it to

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