Seeding, habitat development, research all contribute to New Brunswick lobster project

A Canadian tribe, a fishermen’s union and a research institute have undertaken a massive effort to restore the lobster fishery in northern New Brunswick. Cooperating in the project are the Maritime Fishermen’s Union, the Coastal Zones Research Institute and the Eel River Bar First Nation. “Between 60,000 and 80,000 larvae have been released into experimental

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It all started when the grandchildren were visiting in August. “What’s that noise?” Alex asked. We were working in the garden. Ben was cutting down the shasta daisies, which had gone by. He was feeling smug because he had the grown-up, really sharp clippers and Alex had only scissors. Alex was dead-heading the dianthus. Livi

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Set government agencies a-sniffing after terrorist threats nobody can define, and the results seem predictable: delay, confusion, the wrong people caught up in the dragnet, the real threats ignored. This September marks the third anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. We’ve had ample opportunity to learn about the need

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Getting it Together

For everyone who helped raise money to purchase land at the Deer Isle “gateway,” who worked on Cliff Island’s barge landing project, who helped with the Islesford Fair, who helped settle the long-standing dispute over golf carts on Great Diamond Island, who worked on the large lobster-seeding project in New Brunswick’s Bay of Chaleur, who

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Political Correctoids

To the editor: Essays such as “Mainland Security” (WWF June 04) often arouse the instant ire of political correctoids who have decided that they along occupy the moral heights and woe be to those crossing their political Rubicon, or in this case the Vinalhaven Line. I sincerely feel that as likely as not the writers

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