
To the editor: Regarding your story, Casco Bay fire departments succeed through cooperation (WWF Aug. 2004), “[Cliff Island] first developed its department 15 years ago.” We have a man here on Cliff Island who is in his late 70s and he became a volunteer to Cliff Island Fire Department in 1946 over 58 years ago.

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Modest Proposal

To the editor: Maybe I’m crazy, but this idea could provide a big surge to your great causes… Contests are great publicity. The Maine coast has hundreds/thousands of docks/piers, many very original designs. Of course there are plenty of nobodies who order aluminum lake stuff from catalogs, but I’m always impressed with how many real

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Profiting from the Threat

To the editor: The Island Institute has assumed a number of roles. However, the Institute says that its primary goal is to support Maine’s year-round island communities. The Institute calls these communities “the Maine coast’s most endangered resources.” Threats to the sustainability of Maine’s year-round island communities are many, but one of the most pressing

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To the editor: I would like to share my concern about the sustainability of the unique ecosystem of Monhegan Island. Each time I have hiked on the island, I have seen people cutting through the brush and woods looking for trails. Most are not marked, and none are marked as I have found to be

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Alternative energy fallout

To the editor: I am writing in response to an article in the August 2004 issue of Working Waterfront titled “Zero-emission wind energy planned for Grand Manan,” by Bob Gustafson. First of all, I wholeheartedly support any effort to incorporate more alternative energy sources into our lives. The positive aspects of these sources of energy

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More islands qualify for lodging fund

The Island Institute is expanding its Island Lodging Fund to include year-round islanders on the Cranberries, Frenchboro, Swan’s and Isle au Haut. The fund will provide a $40 reimbursement for a total of 55 room nights per month to year-round island residents who have special needs that require a night’s stay on the mainland, such

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