Breaking Ground

Portland Mayor Nathan Smith; Kay Taylor, Chair of the Casco Bay Health Center Board; City Councilors Peter O’Donnell and William Gorham; Julia Wilcock, Volunteers of America’s Director of Program Development and Jerry Garman, Chair of the Peaks Island Senior Housing Advisory Committee, break ground for the Peaks Island Health Center and Senior Housing Facility with

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Ferry Follies

Ticket agents at Maine state ferry terminals are a patient bunch, answering simple questions about schedules that require only a routine response. Some questions, however, invite multiple responses or are so open-ended that there’s a temptation to bark a short-tempered retort. More often than not, though, an agent will respond to an unusual or unexpected

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Institute exhibit, capital campaign launched

Several hundred visitors jammed the Island Institute’s ground floor exhibit space on July 16 for the opening of a retrospective of the organization’s first 20 years. Items on view relate to programs, accomplishments and events since 1984, including pasture clearing on Allen Island, fisheries research in Penobscot Bay, environmental battles in Casco Bay and notable

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Islands Managed for Seabird Restoration

The following is part of the “Managing Nature” headlining article of the August WWF. Islands managed by state and federal agencies for seabird restoration are as listed below: Stratton – Saco Bay Outer Green – Casco Bay Jenny – Casco Bay Pond – mouth of Kennebec River Eastern Egg Rock – Muscongus Bay Matinicus Rock

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The Edward Myers Connection

Over the years, several Damariscotta River growers who worked with Dr. Hidu at the Darling Center while completing their degrees at University of Maine at Orono received ongoing support and guidance from the late Ed Myers. Sam Chapman says Myers became aware of mussel aquaculture through the work of Richard Lutz and Hidu at the

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Video highlights initiatives to preserve island communities

The Genesis Community Loan Fund has released a new video that highlights several islands’ efforts to halt the erosion of year-round communities. The Damariscotta-based organization has also launched the Genesis Islands Fund at the Maine Community Foundation to support island based community development initiatives. The very existence of year-round island communities is being eroded by

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