Images. That is the photographer’s name for what we ordinary people call pictures, photographs. Most of us take pictures with a “blink box,” an ordinary camera or perhaps one of those disposable creatures with automatic focus, automatic exposure and a simple flash. Aim your blink box at your boat. Two hours later you will have

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Fame Comes Early

Many people spend the better part of their lives waiting for their 15 minutes of fame. Ian Dyer of Vinalhaven, age 6, appears to be enjoying his 15 minutes right now. Earlier this year Ian was identified by the Maine Lobster Promotion Council as the youngest licensed lobsterman in the state. As a result, Ian

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Calendars are summer fundraisers

Community groups on Vinalhaven and Islesboro are raising funds with new calendars. Islands Community Medical Center on Vinalhaven is marketing a four-color calendar featuring images from a variety of photographers familiar with the island, along with tides for Carver’s Harbor supplied by Micronautics of Camden. The Medical Center calendar sells for $15.00. It is available

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Art gallery opens in the Long Island Library

The James L. and Shirley W. Dodwell Art Gallery was dedicated at the Long Island Library on Saturday, July 10 with three generations of the Dodwell family present and dozens more family friends and onlookers in the audience. Shirley Dodwell moved through the crowd, expressing her appreciation of this recognition of her family’s Long Island-inspired

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