Literary Evening

Historian-turned-novelist Charles B. McLane read from his new book, Red Right Returning, at the Island Insti-tute recently. Set on a fictitious Penobscot Bay island populated with familiar characters, Red Right Returning brings together year-rounders and summer people in a story of island life, lobster politics and personal tragedy. The Island Institute published the book this

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The Long View: Sea Change

Twenty years gives one the opportunity for reflection, so here I go. More than anything else that the Island Institute has accomplished is something that hardly fits in a single, neat, bulleted statement, but is as real as it is intangible. Twenty years ago – or even ten – when we headed off to places

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Alone in the Land of the Red Socks

Warning: This essay is intended for serious baseball fans only. If you cannot identify something odd about the title of this article, do not, I repeat, DO NOT continue reading. Supporters of the Red Sox and Phillies have a lot in common. Both are longtime sufferers who share feelings of helplessness, inadequacy, and, in my

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Safety conference set for Oct. 11

The 47th international meeting and safety conference of the International Association for Safety and Survival Training (IASST) is scheduled for Oct. 11 at Maine Maritime Academy, Castine. The conference is expected to include world leaders in the field of maritime safety training. Speakers will present papers on topics such as Fishing Vessel Safety, Search and

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