The Long View: Against the Tide

Governor John Baldacci’s Task Force on Aquaculture has circulated its report on how (and whether) to reform an industry that has been at the center of a relentlessly rising tide of criticism for most of the past 5 years. Unlike former Gov. Angus King, who embraced Maine’s aquaculture industry from the first day of his

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Institute Adds New Trustees

Nancy Hopkins-Davisson, Nancy Jordan, and Matthew Simmons have joined the Board of Trustees of the Island Institute. The new trustees bring additional diversity and expertise to the Institute’s Board. Hopkins-Davisson is active in the North Haven community, serving on the school board for nine years (six as chair), the Arts and Enrichment Advisory Committee, and

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New Fellows Coordinator Joins Island Institute

Chris Wolff joined the Island Institute’s Programs Staff in January as the new coordinator of the Island Fellows program. “We’re thrilled to have Chris on board,” said Nathan Michaud, Programs Manager at the Institute. “The Fellows program has become absolutely central to our work, and Chris definitely has the skills and experience to make sure

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Canadian Fisheries Agency to Cut Back

Whatever direction the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans takes under new Minister Geoff Regan, it will be with 600 fewer job slots. In a January memo to staff members, DFO Deputy Minister Larry Murray said, “As you know, we have been looking at ways to improve the efficiency of our operations; make funds available

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