A Collaboration Worth Considering

Late last December before we all got lost in year-end events, Governor John Baldacci delivered the keynote address for the conference, “Protecting Maine’s Working Waterfronts.” The Governor deserves credit for showing up on an icy day and delivering the straightforward message that he did not arrive with any solutions to this “complex local problem.” But

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Classic Yawl Donated to Institute

MADRIGAL, a Concordia 41 yawl, has been donated to the Island Institute for sale through its boat gift program. The proceeds of the sale will provide long-term benefits to the Institute’s programs. The donor is MADRIGAL’s longtime owner, Robert P. Bass, Jr., a New Hampshire attorney who served for many years on the Island Institute’s

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Probably most everyone has been to their high school reunions at one time or another. It’s a popular occasion on this island – a lot of people attend every year. The graduating classes are small – eight, ten, 25 graduates and everyone has known everyone else all their life. I never gave reunions a thought,

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