Lobster marketing board members named

AUGUSTA— Marine Resources Commissioner Patrick Keliher has announced the appointment of a board for the newly created Maine Lobster Marketing Collaborative, an entity formed in October as a result of legislation to provide for the effective marketing and promotion of Maine Lobster. This is a first major action for the new marketing initiative. “Maine lobster

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Simulating the at-sea experience

Students at Maine Maritime Academy get an average of 210 days at sea between their freshman and senior years. One hundred twenty of those days are aboard the training ship State of Maine—just that one ship. The training cruise and cadet shipping experiences lend a vast amount of knowledge and hands-on learning for students, but

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Google that barge!

When you hear something you don’t understand, the natural reflex these days is to resort to a web search to learn what is going on. But what if the thing you are Googling turns out to be a Google barge on the Portland waterfront that Google does not want you to know about? Hmm”¦ Turns

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Ready or not, here comes the flood

They probably laughed at Noah when he began preparing for the coming flood by building a really big boat. But for anyone who has lived through the destructive power of rising waters, the impacts are quite serious. There are plenty of recent witnesses to the devastation storms cause—those in New Orleans who survived Hurricane Katrina,

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