No casino!

To the editor: [In Philip Conkling’s July column he wrote] “if you see a problem that needs attention, call us.” I write to ask that your paper take a stand against a casino in Sanford. The negative impact that a casino would have on our southern coastal communities would be horrendous. I do not need

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No real estate!

To the editor: Re: advertising by real estate agencies. For years [Working Waterfront] has resisted taking real estate advertisements unless directly related to the fishing industry. Though [I am] in the business, please resist the temptation, even island-related… Downeast and sailing magazines have elegant real estate ads while the quality of written articles has gone

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Not one of a kind

To the editor: We enjoy Working Waterfront, and read nearly everything! Have one correction (or further info) for you: Sea Bags (article by Katherine Paul, July) is not “one-of-a-kind” – Gail Mazul does “Totes from Boats” in South Portland, and promises 10 percent of her profits to cancer research. We have a nice example of

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Begs to differ

This is in response to a letter published in your Working Waterfront titled “Right spokesperson?” by Steve Parker. I live on Chebeague Island, my husband is a lobsterman, and I run a small plumbing business. David Hill is my brother-in-law. David and I don’t always agree on issues but I would trust him to represent

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Happy reader

To the editor: June Waterfront sat here several days and after opening it I found so many interesting articles I kept reading. Then today I noticed Yellowfront Grocery [Route 1, Wiscasset] had July issues available so that was exciting. You have excellent writers and now I can go read July. Thank you for your free

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Author’s thanks

To the editor: Thank you for reviewing my book Vanishing Species, Saving the Fish, Sacrificing the Fisherman. It is especially pleasing to be reviewed in a publication by the Island Institute as much of my family history is defined by sailing trips to Maine. When we look back and try to reconstruct some aspect of

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Right content?

For many years Working Waterfront has been among my three favorites of the many monthly publications I receive. Unfortunately these three arrive at about the same time so I’m always faced with the dilemma of deciding which to read first. The decision, however, is becoming easier with the apparent evolution of Working Waterfront’s content. It

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Good and bad behavior

To the editor: Having read the various letters generated by Rusty Warren’s columns concerning tourists/summer people I decided to add my two cents’ worth. Rusty’s columns are accurate and do reflect the feelings of many islanders. I feel she has been unfairly attacked for telling it like it is, but that is Rusty … Having

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Raking it in

It takes hefty biceps and a strong back to hoist the rake Gavin Hood and Susan Domizi designed specifically for harvesting rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum), but if a person has the strength and the will to work the rake long days during the harvest season, he or she can make a decent living. Actually, it isn’t

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TICONDEROGA visits Eastport for 4th

Eastport Port Authority tug AHOSKIE, piloted by Captain Charlie Leppin, approaches the USS TOCONDEROGA en route to the Eastport Breakwater. Inset: The USS TICONDEROGA, seen from the Eastport pilot boat in the Bay of Fundy on July 2. She was the centerpiece of Eastport’s Old Home Week and Fourth of July celebrations. (Bob Gustafson photos).

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