All Humans Are As One

To the editor: I have read with great interest the articles in Working Waterfront decrying the invasion of tourists, people from away, whatever category we are lumped into, and I would like to add a few comments. I live 10 blocks from the former World Trade towers; saw the people jumping from the 103rd floor,

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State revenues drop, license fees go up

Commercial fishermen will see their license fees increase by 25 percent in 2004 as a direct result in the $1.1 billion revenue shortfall in the state’s General Fund. The increase will go into the General Fund to help erase that deficit. The state Department of Marine Resources (DMR) was required to cut its budget by

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Early-morning omelets

At 4 AM, despite dark skies and the look of midnight, Becky’s neon pink sign beckons “Open” to the passerby on Commercial Street in Portland. The only diner open at this hour in Portland, Becky’s caters to local fishermen, construction workers, postal workers and hungry Maine College of Art Students who have been up all

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Speakers: future of fishing and farming is local

Traditional resource-based industries in Maine such as fishing are in trouble today because of global factors beyond their control, but also because technology has allowed them to deplete their resources. “We were too good,” Craig Pendleton of the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance told a Kennebunkport conference on sustainability on June 13, describing the depletion of

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A Gulf of Maine round trip

After a weeklong, very successful visit to the Portland waterfront, the schooner AMISTAD departed May 16 for Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, and I had the opportunity to make the passage on the boat across the Gulf of Maine. This trip proved to be not only a pleasant passage on a traditional sailing vessel, but also a

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Island middle schoolers to go to sea

On July 31, a group of island middle school students will board the schooner HARVEY GAMAGE at Islesboro for a nine-day sailing voyage under the auspices of The Maine Island Youth Program offered by the Ocean Classroom Foundation, Inc. In 10 years, over 200 students from Maine island communities have participated in this sailing adventure.

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