A cautionary tale for U.S. fishermen

Like Canada, the United States has tried to move towards fishing effort restrictions with the aim of rebuilding the fish stocks. Georges Bank was open to the world until 1977, when the U.S. took action to extend its jurisdiction out to 200 nautical miles. Vessels of many flags worked the waters, making huge hauls in

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Whore’s Child and Other Stories

Whore’s Child and Other Stories By Richard Russo Vintage Books, 2003 Reviewed by Tina Cohen This first collection of short stories by novelist Richard Russo (2002 Pulitzer Prize winner for Empire Falls), appeared last year and will be released in paperback this July. Russo currently lives in Camden. The stories focus on folks sharing common

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Unlikely though it may seem, Vinalhaven, an island no less, is home to a band of car thieves who strike with impunity. Impunity is that characteristic which, in the face of what passes for police protection but is in fact only the Knox County Sheriff, so typifies both our mischief-makers (like ATV riders) and our

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Wrapping up the budget

Annually, town report covers bring out a degree of creativity across Maine. Island communities are no exception, as these examples from Swan’s Island, Cranberry Isles, North Haven and Isle au Haut suggest. Each year in the fall, the Maine Municipal Association holds a contest to determine what town’s report is the best designed. Results are

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