Wrong river

To the editor: Re your editorial in the April issue of Working Waterfront, when I was in East Boothbay this afternoon, it was still on the bank of the Damariscotta, not the Sheepscot, River. Nicholas Dean Edgecomb I stand corrected. – ed.

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Note of thanks

To the editor: For the past two months the Committee on Marine Resources has been conducting public hearings on a variety of bills affecting the fishing industry. I wanted to say “thank you” to all the fishermen who traveled to Augusta to testify. Hearing the different viewpoints and specific information on the issues was an

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“Breakaway” inanity

Congressman and Senators [via the editor of WWF]: If you have not seen the article on page 28 of the April edition of The Working Waterfront, published by the Island Institute, I commend it to you. It describes the inanity of requiring “breakaway” lobster fishing gear in areas where right whales have never been sighted.

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Appalled and disgusted

To the editor: I was appalled and disgusted with the partial truths and uncalled for personal attacks displayed by Eric Davis in your April issue. And just at the time I thought an intelligent and constructive dialogue about Maine Land Bank was about to unfold! While both are islands, the differences between the general thinking

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From the Deck The loss of K-14

Early in July 1944, near the end of World War II, a German submarine had been reported near Mt. Desert Rock. Besides the patrol craft assigned to the area, the blimp K-14 was sent from Lakehurst, New Jersey, useful because it could hover over one spot and direct a surface attack. On the night of

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Cherishing Emily

During the second half of the 20th century, Emily Muir had more effect and influence on this island than any other individual. She thought globally and acted locally. Her enduring energy, drive, creativity, steadfast principles and vision left indelible imprints on the public, economic, environmental and personal life of our community. Look around; see and

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