Plan to close Gander weather station angers fishermen and officials

Canadian Environment Minister David Anderson calls it consolidation. Newfoundland fishermen call it a threat to their safety. The “it” is Anderson’s decision to close several weather reporting stations – most notably the one in Gander, Newfoundland. This means that Newfoundland and Labrador fishermen will be getting their weather forecasts from Halifax, Nova Scotia, and they’re

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Who benefits?

To the editor: I would like to respond to David Hill’s letter in last month’s Working Waterfront concerning the Maine Land Bank and Community Preservation program. Mr. Hill misses the point that if you are a resident or non-resident who has the luxury of a second or third home and can’t afford the taxes you

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Opposed to rehab center

To the editor: The Working Waterfront February issue featured two stories: “Proposed Cutler center would work with addicts” and “The benefits of a rehab center” by Muriel L. Hendrix. Muriel might professionally have spoken with our first selectman, Linda Throckmorton, who took a poll at our annual town meeting last summer after the drug rehab

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Officer Friendly and Other Stories

Coming of age in coastal Maine New York, 2003: HarperCollins228 pages; hardbound; $23.95 Officer Friendly is a collection of short stories in the first published book of author Lewis Robinson. Robinson, who grew up in Maine, lives in Portland. He has created a locale on the coast of Maine vaguely four hours above Portland –

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Emily Muir 1904-2003

Artist, architect and activist Emily Lansingh Muir, an old friend of the Island Institute, died March 19 at the age of 99. She and her late husband, sculptor Bill Muir, had lived and worked in Stonington since 1939. The Institute published her autobiography, The Time of My Life, in 2002.

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