Fish of the Future:

By the year 2020, annual seafood demand in the United States will increase by one billion pounds. Assuming that our per-capita seafood consumption remains at its current average of 15 pounds per year, that translates to roughly three billion more pounds of landed fish. Where will all that seafood come from? The statistics and the

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Coming soon …to a menu near you

Whether mainstream restaurant menus will eventually offer little-known species with curious names like snakehead depends on several factors. Name recognition is one hurdle, but marketers have a demonstrated agility overcoming that one; witness the popularity of cape shark (a re-branded spiny dogfish) and ocean catfish (Atlantic wolf fish). The perennial quip at the Seafood Show

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Fencing off the ocean: Marine Protected Areas are a

The marine protected areas debate has matured to the point where everyone – government regulators, industry, scientists, environmentalists – acknowledges that marine protected areas (MPAs) are a concept that is here to stay. Depending on how you define them, despite pressure from environmentalists and the endorsement of two presidents, Clinton and now Bush, few marine

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Etnier named Deputy Commissioner of DMR

David Etnier of Harpswell was named Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Marine Resources (DMR). George Lapointe, DMR Commissioner, made the announcement on Feb. 28 at the Fishermen’s Forum in Rockland. As DMR’s chief liaison to the Maine Legislature’s Marine Resources Committee, Etnier’s experience in Maine politics will serve him well. A Democrat, Etnier represented

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Report proposes

A recent report suggests a radical change for state fisheries management in Maine. According to the report, “Reforming Fisheries Management in Maine,” prepared for the Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR), the agency could take itself out of the day-to-day management of state fisheries by turning management over to a council made up of elected

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