Sprawl and water

The recent, excellent article on sprawl by Colin Woodard vividly portrayed the conflicts over sprawl on the mainland and how that impacts us culturally in Maine. Along with many of the New Urbanists, he seems to believe that the solution is in concentrated “cluster housing” to reduce fragmentation. This may be true. There is no

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Maine Land Bank

After hearing a presentation on the Maine Land Bank proposal I think there needs to be a very close look taken to it. At first it sounds pretty good when you hear that the program will help people hang on to their homes in the community where they were born and pass them on to

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What to do?

Thank you very much for your article “Sprawl” in the most recent issue of The Working Waterfront. You speak with a compelling voice about an issue with which I am very concerned. I have been visiting Maine for over 60 years, first as a child on Little Sebago Lake (where my Grandfather, an early settler,

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Lapointe reappointed

Incoming Gov. John Baldacci asked George Lapointe to continue as Commission of the Marine Resources Department (DMR). One of Baldacci’s first cabinet appointments, Lapointe must be confirmed by the Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources and the state Senate. Blair Pyne, Chair of the DMR Advisory Council, lobbied for Lapointe’s reappointment. With all the

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RAWFAITH launching planned for spring

The galleon RAWFAITH (WWF Oct. ’02), under construction in Addison to provide accessible sailing for disabled children and their families, is spending the winter at the building site beside the Pleasant River. Capt. George McKay anticipates launching the ship in April. McKay and his family have devoted the past three years and their savings to

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