Two couples choose life on Isle au Haut

ISLE AU HAUT — Island communities can be as fragile as their ecosystems. Without critical mass and essential human infrastructure—schools, health care facilities, churches and coffee shops—they risk becoming enclaves for wealthy retirees and those who can afford seasonal homes. With those fears in mind, the non-profit group Isle au Haut Community Development Corporation, or

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UMaine Machias students back on campus

Photos by Leslie Bowman and Sophia Guida Students choose the University of Maine at Machias for the opportunity to study in a close-knit community and pursue a degree amidst the natural beauty. With a focus on environmental liberal arts, UMM was listed among the top 100 liberal arts colleges by Washington Weekly magazine this year.

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Seattle’s big dig, old ferry goes hippie

Bertha, “the world’s largest tunnel boring machine,” according to, is again digging its way under downtown Seattle. The site reports that a longshoremen union opposed the work with a picket line. The $80 million machine began digging July 30 on a nearly 2-mile, 58-foot diameter tunnel. The tunneling will take 14 month and “is

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The Burgess Boys

In July 2006, the head of a pig was rolled into a mosque in Lewiston during prayers. That act, targeting the Somali Muslim community, was seen as a profound desecration. Facing criminal charges, the man responsible, 33-year-old Lewiston resident Brent Matthews, claimed it was a prank and his attorney described it as an act of

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