Promises in the wind and the pipeline

One thing we knew—or thought we knew—about alternative energy is that it is more expensive than energy derived from conventional sources like coal, nuclear and hydro. Some have been willing to pay a higher price for a cleaner environment; most have not. But stop the presses! Several Massachusetts and Connecticut utilities have just signed long-term

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Hearing voices on a July evening

People my age have been known to gripe about the dehumanizing effects of technology. There’s some truth to this—communication via phone and email often is limited to a few capital letters that stand in for emotions, and Facebook at times is akin to that Main Street telephone pole papered over with stapled notices. No one

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Nature Wars: The Incredible Story of How Wildlife Comebacks Turned Backyards into Battlegrounds.

What happens when beavers, turkeys, white-tailed deer, bear and Canada geese settle in your neighborhood in increasing numbers, damming ponds, damaging farms, spreading Lyme disease, raiding garbage cans and defecating on the 18th green? Award-winning journalist Jim Sterba turns to military terms to describe the ensuing conflicts, the wars taking place and battlegrounds being established

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