Castine, MMA seek collaboration

CASTINE — At first glance, a recent town-and-gown meeting between Castine town officials and officials from Maine Maritime Academy may seem like back-page news. The two sides discussed the possibility of future collaboration along Castine’s waterfront. Nothing was decided, but both sides shared ideas. “We try to meet institutionally once a month with the town

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The DIY days of lobster gear

A warning: this column contains some “back in my day” nostalgia. I’ll be borrowing it from others since my own material only covers cassette tapes, sending your film to get developed and that time when people thought Beanie Babies were a good financial investment. Once upon a time, Swan’s Islands’ lobstermen made the majority of

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Frenchboro seeks to heal harbor headache

FRENCHBORO — Five years after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was alerted to illegal moorings in Lunt Harbor, this tiny island community’s main thoroughfare, the situation lingers on, although there has been some improvement. Recently the Corps’ senior project manager, Jay Clement, who administers the federal navigation projects that run through the harbor, warned

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LePage’s salt water baptism

Sure, it was one of those lightweight and predictable things an elected official does—appear at a summer festival, smile and remind voters that he understands their world and its problems. But still, Gov. Paul LePage’s visit to the Maine Lobster Festival on Aug. 1 earns him some points. He posed for a photo with the

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