Moral decay among the ducks

The Great American Duck Race is an event quite unlike any other, particular to Vinalhaven and with good reasons, all once good and noble but no longer. Begun by Jerry and Carlene Michael in 1993, the event was intended to raise funds for the construction of a badly needed school playground and more recently to

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Island girls — ties that last

Of the many words I have wished I could take back, I keep remembering the time I blurted out to one of my closest friends, Colleen: “But you’re not actually an islander”¦” Colleen and her family have spent every summer since I can remember here on Little Cranberry Island. Though she has never weathered a

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Our grand old lady

The island house is like an old lady—proud, but a bit stooped and creaky if the truth be told. We make accommodations for her, even as she makes them for us. Literally. But when we invite guests to meet the old lady, we feel required to provide a great deal of detail about her various

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