Teen sailing: High spirits, good times

SOUTHWEST HARBOR — On a recent afternoon after school, teenagers swoop around in two-person sailboats on sun-dazzled waters. The Mount Desert Island High School sailing team’s veterans train in Rondar 420s, a new type of racing dinghy. Novices use older Club 420s. The Rondar group circles the coach boat, practicing roll tacks—heeling, rocking to windward,

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Dirty laundry on Swan’s Island

Time to talk about Swan’s Island’s dirty laundry! This isn’t knitting group gossip; I mean that literally. As a member of a generation with notoriously poor housekeeping skills (or is it just me?), I’m pretty proud when I get my laundry attached to the line securely enough to keep the sea breeze from lifting it

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Helping Maine groundfishing families through hard times

I had the privilege of visiting several Maine seafood businesses in March at the Boston Seafood show, where I was proud to announce that Maine’s lobster fishery had received the prestigious Marine Stewardship Council’s Sustainable Seafood Certification. Last year, the harvest generated $338 million for lobstermen, thanks to record-breaking landings of our state’s favorite crustacean.

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