Fiddlehead fever

In a former island life, I made the best trade of my short existence up to that time. I wanted a boat to take me to Maine islands and Outward Bound wanted someone to teach its students what they could forage on their character-building “solos.” We were both perennially short of cash, so we resorted

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Off-shore wind project takes tangible form

ORONO — The one-eighth scale prototype of a floating wind turbine unveiled Wednesday will change the wind power world, its developers asserted. Habib Dagher, director of the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center, revealed the foundation of the center’s floating wind turbine technology and the prototype for a future five-gigawatt deepwater wind development

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Why we tell stories

Consider this story: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn,” attributed to Ernest Hemingway, who allegedly won a $10 a bar bet with other writers, wagering that he could write a shorter story than they could. Humans are inveterate storytellers, and apparently always have been. Before we could write a story, we drew pictographs on a

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