A warning from a latter-day Jonah

John Gillis is known in our part of the world as a Gotts Islander, one of the year-round island communities that went extinct during the early part of the 20th century. But to many others in the rest of the world, Gillis is known for his tireless efforts to focus the academic community’s attention on

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A man’s job? Not anymore

Among the 136 coastal towns in Maine, there are six women who hold the position of harbormaster, according to the Maine Harbormasters Association (MHA). The harbormasters include Katherine Pickering, for Belfast, who is also the MHA secretary; Melanee Gilbert, for Bremen; Sarah Cox, for Brooksville and Castine; Lora Mills, for Northport; Abbie Leonard, for Rockport;

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Every picture tells a story…

NEW HARBOR — The photo captured a moment in time, but the players in that shutter-click instant probably had no idea that what they were doing would soon fade into history. The May issue of The Working Waterfront featured one of the photographs from National Fisherman’s archives. Those photo archives were recently donated to the

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