Island living, the one-wheel way

ISLESBORO — A dull winter haze has settled over the island after some morning sun, bringing a rawness to the air and making the fireplace in the Murphy home that much more seductive. But Ryan Murphy would rather be outside, working his way through the obstacle course that is the Pendleton Yacht Yard, just down

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One-room schools, then and now

I grew up hearing stories of my grandmother’s days in a one-room schoolhouse, working with one ear tuned in to catch the older students’ lessons across the room. Some local history group moved a tiny renovated schoolhouse (which spent part of its life as a chicken coop) to the field across from “the Farm,” my grandmother’s

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Guy times

It began innocently enough. A friend from years past moved to town and called another friend to reconnect. The two of them went out for a run together one Saturday morning, found it satisfying, and kept it up. Soon they added a second running date Sunday morning before they went to church. Then another friend

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