A winter physics lesson

In a column several months ago, a certain self-satisfied father let his Scotch nature get the better of him while complaining about his children’s wasteful energy habits whenever they returned home (http://www.workingwaterfront.com/articles/Empty-Nesting/15108/). We must learn to be careful of whom we have become. With their children now all off launching their lives into the gales

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MDI school tackles dropout rates

MOUNT DESERT ISLAND — The school district here aims to see that all of its students earn a high school graduation diploma. The issue of secondary students withdrawing from school before earning their diploma landed on the board’s agenda at the beginning of the 2012-2013 year. The issue, in this particular district, is considered to

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About Nemo finding us

This past weekend a northeasterly blizzard, named Nemo, roared across the outer edge of the Gulf of Maine and buried the Maine coast and islands with over 30 inches of snow and then whipped its icy cargo into drifts six and seven feet high to help us all with upper body strength exercises.Weather makes you

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Maine coastal homeowners could be hit by LePage budget

A budget proposal released by the administration of Maine Governor Paul LePage would curtail two popular property tax relief programs while also ending the state’s revenue-sharing program with Maine municipalities.  Under the proposal, Maine’s Homestead and so-called “Circuit Breaker” programs would tighten income restrictions and lower the maximum tax offsets for homeowners and renters who

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How I spent my winter vacation

Thanks to the thoughtful planners in town and the skillful inoculations from Sharon Daley of the Seacoast Mission, a record number of people received painless flu shots in November in the Cranberry Isles. It’s a darn good thing too, since those of us who came down with the two-week worst-cold-virus-ever in December and January could

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