The Worst Gift Ever

What is the worst gift you have ever received? (And no bad stories about fruitcakes from your aged aunt.) In my case it is not hard to recall the worst gift I ever received, which I got from my wife (don’t worry, she already knows), for reasons which will soon become apparent. The gift was

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Dance the Night Away… at the Library

Where do people meet for fun on cold winter nights in Maine? How about the library? Forget all that stuff about “Quiet.” These days in many Maine communities, libraries have become social-gathering places, offering up everything from sleepovers to movie nights. Some libraries even push back the chairs and reading tables and fire up the

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Planning for the Unthinkable

A group of Maine forest rangers and other responders from Downeast headed for New York City on October 31st to help with the disaster caused by Hurricane Sandy. According to the website, the Maine Forest Ranger Incident Management Team (MEIMT) was “requested through the Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC), a mutual aid agreement which

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Sea to Table

Dennis Henderson flicks the head off a raw pink shrimp with his thumb, deftly skims off its flimsy shell and pops it into his mouth, pronouncing it, with a smile,  “sweet as can be.” Most people prefer their wild Gulf shrimp cooked, including the lady who returned her purchase to Henderson’s Beach Seafood market on

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Vinalhaven Students Host Food Week Celebration

As part of their 2012-13 school curriculum, Vinalhaven’s middle school students spent the first quarter of the academic year planning and organizing Food Week, a celebration of local, affordable and sustainable food. Food Week is the first experiential education project for Vinalhaven middle schoolers in conjunction with the ARC’s Public Education Program. Highlights of Food

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