An Island Picnic

To protect an otherwise innocent and untrammeled place, the name of the naturalist’s favorite Maine island—the one where he might someday wish to have his ashes scattered amid its heath and ledge and careening gulls—should perhaps not be revealed. But plenty of people know it well. Lobstermen fish its surrounding shoals and canyons, hauling up

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Preventing the Next Lobster Crisis

Early shedding, rock-bottom prices, and blockades—it’s been a terribly frustrating summer for Maine lobstermen and coastal communities. While a “perfect storm” of circumstances has made the situation especially bad, the factors behind it are not new. They are longstanding problems that coastal communities have been working to address. Maybe the only upside to this summer

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I Think I Will Never See

Perhaps no one better knows the locations of an island’s chestnut trees than adolescent boys, although their spreading branches no longer shelter the village smithy, and if truth be told, these imitators are not actually the American chestnut of lore and lyric. Rather, they are horse chestnuts, a very distant relative of the American species,

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Islanders Connect Through Song

Outside the Chebeague Island Hall on a warm summer evening, laughter can be heard 100 feet away. Somebody’s just told a joke. Inside, the group setting up chairs around a grand piano is still chuckling. But now it’s time to get to work. The Whalers’ rehearsal is about to begin and music is on everybody’s

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Campobello Library Rededication

On August 4, officials from the United States and Canada gathered at the small island library on Campobello Island overlooking Welsh Pool to rededicate the first monument erected anywhere in the world to honor Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt spent every summer of his life as a boy on Campobello, learning to sail and fish from

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