Jarring Juxtaposition
To the editor: As an island resident grappling with the lack of affordable housing I was struck by the placement of the article “Island groups meet to discuss affordable housing” in the July edition of The Working Waterfront. To the left of the article ran a real estate advertisement featuring island houses on the market
The Fish House Opera
The Fish House Opera tells the story of North Carolina’s Outer Banks fishermen. These fishermen struggle to adapt traditional fishery practices to the requirements introduced by new fisheries management… sound familiar? If so, you should read this book. Each chapter comes at you from a different perspective, a different fishery or community, revealing an uplifting
Long Island holds town meeting
On Saturday, May 3, Long Island held its annual town meeting. Mark Greene was unanimously elected to preside as moderator. After an initial nomination of Warren Brayley for Selectman, which produced the immediate reply “My wife says I respectfully decline,” Thomas MacVane won the three-year seat with 56 votes to Bradley Brown’s 31. Joe Oldfield
Cranberry Isles: standing room only
Cranberry Isles held its town meeting on Great Cranberry March 10 in the newly renovated Fire House. Not unexpectedly, Hugh Dwelley was elected moderator and sworn in before a standing-room-only crowd that included Islesford students observing the process for a lesson in civics. Frances Bartlett was sworn in as Town Clerk, Treasurer, Collector of Taxes
Scholarship applicants, recipients set new record
This year a greater number of island students applied for scholarship support than ever before. As a result, the Island Institute awarded 66 traditional scholarships totaling nearly $35,000; 19 more scholarships than last year’s record number of 47. Institute scholarships are awarded for traditional college support with assistance from the Maine Community Foundation. Recipients of
Isle au Haut passes school budget, discusses junk cars
Isle au Haut’s annual town meeting was held March 25 in Revere Memorial Hall with 43 people attending. Elected moderator Ted Hoskins and re-elected town clerk Sue MacDonald kept the pace swift and efficient, covering 73 articles in less than four and a half hours. In a close race for first selectman, Peter Burke won
Three islands hold town meetings
North Haven held its Annual Town Meeting March 9 in the town Community Building. Roseanne Grant, John Dietter and Kate Quinn, acting as members of the Medical Services Board, face a potentially challenging year as North Haven residents continue their search for a new physician. After much discussion residents passed an article to appropriate $115,200