Appalled and disgusted
To the editor: I was appalled and disgusted with the partial truths and uncalled for personal attacks displayed by Eric Davis in your April issue. And just at the time I thought an intelligent and constructive dialogue about Maine Land Bank was about to unfold! While both are islands, the differences between the general thinking
Corrections and omissions
To the editor: We need to note some corrections and omissions to last month’s article covering the Cranberry Isles Town meeting. This year the meal was hosted and prepared by Ladies Aid as is their custom to do every other year when the meeting is held on Great Cranberry Island. The fare was an astonishingly
Pleasant memories
To the editor: I have been a Working Waterfront subscriber and an Island Institute supporter for years and plan to continue. I look forward to your publications in the mail to jog my pleasant memories of time spent on the mainland and on the islands off the coast of Maine. I do not own a
Who benefits?
To the editor: I would like to respond to David Hill’s letter in last month’s Working Waterfront concerning the Maine Land Bank and Community Preservation program. Mr. Hill misses the point that if you are a resident or non-resident who has the luxury of a second or third home and can’t afford the taxes you
Opposed to rehab center
To the editor: The Working Waterfront February issue featured two stories: “Proposed Cutler center would work with addicts” and “The benefits of a rehab center” by Muriel L. Hendrix. Muriel might professionally have spoken with our first selectman, Linda Throckmorton, who took a poll at our annual town meeting last summer after the drug rehab
Flying oatmeal
To the editor: The essay by Phil Crossman [WWF March 03] was a source of GREAT amusement to me. Unfortunately I was working on a mouthful of oatmeal when I got to the part about “local rednecks whose narrow range of understanding could be understood, even forgiven, with only a cursory consideration of their ancestry.”
Let us break bread together
To the editor: Having been brought up in Maine, built with my hands a house on great Cranberry, but having to live “away” due to health insurance needs, I applaud Phil Crossman’s comments [letter, March 03]. He could not have said it better. We all no matter where we reside have similar crosses to bear.
Provincial and hostile
To the editor: I received your membership solicitation in the mail this week. I also received my Feb. 3 issue of The Working Waterfront. Assuming that the article by Rusty Warren represents the attitude of the Island Institute towards those of us from away, why would I want to be a member of your organization?
A suggestion
To the editor: Pursuant to Pete Crooker’s comments [letter, March 03] about “That Maine Attitude,” I think it might help if vacationers from out of state left the attitude of authoritative familiarity behind. I have never encountered anyone who has been less than friendly, helpful and polite when I have visited the islands in the
Wrong hurricane, wrong year
As a current resident of South Carolina and former resident of coastal Maine, I could not help but notice your reference to Hurricane Hugo in the “Long Island Sound lobsters die off, again” article of Nov. 2002. You mentioned that Hurricane Hugo impacted the sound in 1998. Hurricane Hugo occurred in September 1989, the year