
The Long View: Against the Tide

Governor John Baldacci’s Task Force on Aquaculture has circulated its report on how (and whether) to reform an industry that has been at the center of a relentlessly rising tide of criticism for most of the past 5 years. Unlike former Gov. Angus King, who embraced Maine’s aquaculture industry from the first day of his

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A Collaboration Worth Considering

Late last December before we all got lost in year-end events, Governor John Baldacci delivered the keynote address for the conference, “Protecting Maine’s Working Waterfronts.” The Governor deserves credit for showing up on an icy day and delivering the straightforward message that he did not arrive with any solutions to this “complex local problem.” But

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The Long View

The older you get, the shorter the summers are. By the time the Fourth of July rolls round, someone is sure to remind you that the days are already getting shorter. Now that summer is finally here, we can count our blessings. For the past eight months this column has focused on island communities throughout

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New hands on the helm

By the time this paper hits the streets, the Island Institute will have begun its new fiscal year – our 20th for those who might be counting. Our cherished bean counters have put their eyeshades on and are tallying up exactly how we ended the year. With a staff of 30, another 12 Island Fellows

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The Long View: The parking problem

Approaching the mainland from the Cranberry Isles, one of the great long views of the Maine coast rises up from the shore to greet you. The tonsured peaks of Mount Desert Island beckon you to their contemplative abbeys. But if you’re a Cranberry islander without a contracted parking space in Northeast Harbor, often you can’t

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