
Befriending a Friendship

An old Friendship native has come home. Eagle, built by Wilbur Morse of Friendship in 1915, is now undergoing repairs at Spruce Head. And the latest owner, Dick Rapalyea of Thomaston, is finding out that an old boat, like his 18th century house, requires a lot of time and energy, not to mention money. Rapalyea

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New device helps haul moorings

arbormaster Steve Pixley has been hauling mooring chain in Camden harbor for the past seven years, one short section at a time, to see if it needs replacing. There’s got to be a better system, he remembers thinking. “I was tired of hauling chain the old way.” So he invented The Harbor Master Tool, a

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Monhegan rescue service calls it quits

For 20 years, Monhegan Island residents had their own licensed rescue service, bringing emergency care to the sick and injured and even saving lives. Now the service itself has died, a victim of rising costs, training requirements and a lack of volunteers. Last April the Monhegan Emergency Rescue Service “breathed its last,” as director Susan

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